Virat Kohli, who undoubtedly has a lot on his plate during India’s ongoing tour of Australia, has now been requested by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh, to stop eating grilled chicken and switch to “Kadaknath chicken” instead. According to the Centre, “Kadaknath chicken” is low on cholesterol and fat, and comes with high protein and iron properties. In a letter to the Board of Control for Cricket in India and Virat Kohli, Krishi Vigyan Kendra wrote, “Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jhabua (Kadaknath Research Centre) wants to suggest Virat Kohli and BCCI that in the meet of Jhabua’s Kadaknath chic犀利士 kens the cholesterol and fat are very low with higher protein and iron content as per report of National Research Centre on Meet Hyderabad. Therefore, you and your team members are fulfill [sic] your chicken requirement by Jhabua’s Kadaknath chickens.”
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